Discover the path to your true happiness and inner freedom.
You didn't come here to suffer. You didn't come here to feel alone and afraid. You came to experience Power, Your Power. The universal codes and universal principles are alive within us. To live a magical life, filled with purpose, deep, meaningful relationships and divine inspiration is what calls you from within...
Listen to The Power Shift Podcasts and get inspired...
Words have a vibration, a resonance therefore they can have a enormous influence, power of you, both positive and negative. When you are interested in your freedom, in finding your way back to true happiness, choose the words you listen to carefully. Make true freedom your first love.
Learn Power Shifting with me...
We come into this world completely free. No boundaries, no limitations to our seeing and our real knowledge. Our being, free to look upon this world without fear. Seeing the magicalness in everyone and everything. As we exit this way of being and choose fear and separation there is only one way back home... Take my hand, let's pick up the breadcrumbs and as we stroll back to our inner home together.
Get Free Access to Chapter 5 of my book...
The Power Shift was my gift to women worldwide. In Chapter 5 you will discover how free of fear, negativity and pain you actually are. We choose to walk away from our inner magicalness, we can also choose once again to return to our first love. Download your Free Gift now.
In the video, global streaming news network Ticker News interviews Elle Wilson about:
The Power Shift
#1 Amazon Best Seller in both the USA and Australia!
In a world where advice, information and theories are abundant, The Power Shift, is like a breath of fresh air. Take a chance, step away from what you don't want and open your heart and mind to all that you do want. Find your answers within the pages of The Power Shift...

Discover the 5 Principles that will change your life.
With the realization of these 5 principles, you will discover the truth about why you are here your inner abilities, gifts and how to access them. You will leave behind the fears and the anxiety and realize the power within that is waiting to be unleashed. There is a true purpose to your life, you are about to find out what it is.
Ask yourself...
If I could have anything I wanted what would I choose? I asked myself this question over 2 decades ago, the answer changed my destiny. I discovered the answers to deep and fulfilling relationships, productivity, peace and connection. I found my inner strength, power, Love, unimaginable beauty and above all deep fulfillment.
They Say
Alice Shieh
Seattle, USA
"Elle Wilson is the mentor every woman hopes for—wise, firm, gentle, intelligent, and experienced. While she’s a savvy businesswoman and successful entrepreneur, her exceptional quality is her ability to connect and listen. Her openness grants a feeling of safety, and while she’s given me numerous corrections and much advice, I’ve never once felt judged by her. We’ve never wallowed in my problems, though, and she’s always guided me firmly and gently towards progress and clarity. As a result, I’ve learned how to stand confidently in life and in business as both a woman and female business owner."
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Shift Community
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There are no rules here. You are free to share and ask questions. Women supporting each other as they move through their daily lives.

The Power Shift Introductory Course...
This powerful program is the first step you take to bring my #1 Best-Selling Book, The Power Shift, into your daily life. With a deep and clear understanding of what is the cause of all suffering and how to transform even your deepest fears, you will discover the 4 Phases of Transformation and where you are at on your evolutionary journey.
Get ready to bypass the pitfalls and need for life to be a particular way for your happiness and freedom.
Reclaim the knowledge that will set you free.
They Say
Kimberlee Grigas
New York, USA
"I must warn you, if you're not willing to unleash your true power and gain immediate change, then this book is not for you. She is raw and beautifully uncensored. Incredibly honest about the climb to find her truth. You connect easily with your own challenges."
Sabrina Ehlis
Minneapolis, USA
"The Power Shift and Elle Wilson have been a tremendous influence in my life. I have learned to look deeper within myself to establish loving relationships with both my husband and daughters. I have acquired skills that help me to connect with them in a way that gives us a more meaningful connection and a harmonious home."
Karen McDermott, Publisher of
The Power Shift, Interviews Elle Wilson.
#1 Amazon Best Seller in both the USA and Australia!
Is your secret rule book tearing apart
your relationships?
Receive your free GIFT and discover 3 of the most devastating beliefs that separate you from your loved ones, how to undo them and what to replace them with...